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/ Here's how to request a verified account on Twitter

<p>You can request verification for a personal account, in addition to one belonging to a brand or company. Previously, there was a mysterious process for getting verified.</p> <p>Before filling out the form, Twitter requires an account has the following:</p> <ul> <li>A verified phone number</li> <li>A confirmed email address</li> <li>A bio</li> <li>A profile photo</li> <li>A birthday (for accounts that are not company, brand or organization accounts)</li> <li>A website</li> <li>Tweets set as public in Tweet privacy settings</li> </ul> <p>Beyond the basic account settings, you'll also need to explain why a specific account should be verified. You'll be asked for links to websites to "support" your request, and you may be asked to send in copies of an ID card. For a complete list of requirements and additional information Twitter may ask for, be sure to read through this&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" data-component="externalLink" data-s-object-id="articleBody">support document</a>.</p> <p>When you're ready, you can fill out&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" data-component="externalLink" data-s-object-id="articleBody">this form</a>&nbsp;to request verification. Log into the account you are requesting verification for, then follow the prompts.</p> <p>At time of writing, a placeholder page initially appeared, indicating the feature was rolling out over the course of the coming days. After a few refreshes, however, the verification form seen above appeared. If you see the same message, keep checking back.</p>